Wednesday 6 November 2019

Coursework - plot synopsis

- Character walking down corridor, opens door and goes into storeroom, door slams behind them
- Turns something off/checks if there is a box of something (using a torch)
-  Goes to leave the room and discovers the door won't open
- Begin pushing at the door, hitting it, shouting
- Time skip, them looking exhausted and dejected sitting outside the door
- Start to look around for other ways to escape, pacing, looking stressed occasionally shouting
- Gets quieter and they start to look unsettled, small sounds become louder, they look frightened
- Lights suddenly turn off and sounds build up rustling, steps, their breathing quickening
- They scramble to find the torch they had and turn it on
- Camera follows the beam of the torch as they swing it left and right
- Slowly pans upwards and there's either nothing or if possible through editing, they are on the ceiling and terrified they drop the torch and it switches off
- The lights flicker back on but this time they're red and visibly panicked the character begins to even more frantically fling themselves against the door
- Suddenly they burst through and relieved, they hurry out (focus going in and out, close up, or the shots mirrored and put together, or just their legs etc)
- Then there's an extreme close up of their eyes widening in horror and the sound of the door slamming shut once again behind them
- Wide shot of them still in the same storeroom as previously
- Screen gets smaller and them screaming and trying to get out (CCTV shot) plays to the side of the screen next to the credits on a black background, with a song playing in the background, current ideas are: I want to break free, Freedom, I'll be watching you for a sense of irony
-The screen will fade black and then there will be a shot of a laptop with the CCTV playing in an office setting/bedroom before it's shut with someone's hand

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